Sunday, June 30, 2013


Shop is finally open!  It's been a few months or more that I've been planning to re-open.  Something always comes up to distract me, it always feel like barriers popping up left & right blocking my goals.  I once heard that these things happen not to discourage you but to make you work harder to get to what you want.  I find i'm always reminding myself of that to stay positive; things could always be worse.  I have a lot to be grateful for.
Anyhow, I have a few new items:  headbands, knotted bow hair elastics & hair clips.  I'm working on some ready to ship stuffed animals.  My daughter has made a few requests for different types of animals and I hope to bring those to the shop soon.  I'm keeping them a surprise, mostly because she'll try to steal them.  Shes a doll snatcher, they're all her babies.  The excitement on her face when she sees a new creation always kills me. Her eyes get bright & wide, arms in the air, a squeal of "OOH MI GOODNESS! I LUB IT! THANKS, MOM!"  She's the best, when shes not being terrible.  Oh the pleasures of having a scorpio child born in the year of the tiger. Definitely never a dull moment, never never never.  Thank goodness for sleep.

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