Monday, February 4, 2013


I've made a commitment to my craft and to make time for it.  Feels like life gets in the way, but doing what I love makes me happy.  Sewing, drawing, painting, creating.  I NEED to do those things.  I'm using this space to document those things.  With maybe a few snippets of my life here & there.

Sewing is my first love.  I've been sewing for as long as I can honestly remember.  I remember my dad teaching me a few hand stitches when I was very young. Soon my mother bought me a small sewing machine, a toy I'm sure. I was hooked from there.  I made lots of dresses for my dolls.  My mother's not particularly crafty, but she was always so encouraging. 

My maternal Grandmother taught me how to crochet.  My best friend and I would take our crochet to school, 1st or 2nd grade, and I remember being teased a lot about it. Being called "Grandmas", so we would crochet in the bathroom during recess! 

My paternal Grandmother is an amazingly crafty woman.  We aren't close, but it's no doubt I inherited my talents from her.  Her home is filled with amazing kitschy goodness. I remember her always gifting us with the most beautiful hand embroidered, crocheted, stitched bed linens, table clothes, and random house items.  My mom would always tell me how she made them and I was always so amazed. 

I stopped sewing for a while.  Got caught up with working and life.. Mostly I painted.  Then my daughter came along, bringing back the passion I had to create with textiles and fibers.  I made her a simple ragdoll, something that I wanted her to keep forever. A heirloom.  It was such a great feeling to see her cuddle her doll, drag it along with her. Then my niece asked for one. The same with her, such a great feeling to see a child love and appreciate an item that you made with your hands.  My maternal Gma recently saw the dolls I make.  Her mother coincidentally used to make dolls very similar.  

I love that my daughter tries to "needle" things.  I hope that she will continue the legacy of creative, crafty ladies.

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